More Giveaways Starting Next Week

As many of our readers know we are the home for the best giveaways on the internet. In the last 30 days we have given away more golf prizes than anywhere else around. Here is a sampling of just a few.

1. Upro GPS
2. Nickent Hybrid
3. Basic Golf Shirt
4. Puma Belt
5. Titania Ladies Pants
6. Tattoo Golf Shirt
7. Golftini Skort
8. Doppelgang Skort
9. Subseventy Gear (pants, shirt, and shorts)
Plus tons of others such as headcovers, tees, etc…

Well stay tuned in to the forum over the next few weeks as we will be giving away tons more stuff.

Nickent Arc Wedge
Daphne’s Headcovers
Creative Covers for Golf
Quagmire Golf Clothing
Winning Edge Designs
Nickent Hybrids
Nike Golf Belts
And tons more stuff.

You must be registered in the forums and have 20 posts to be part of the giveaways. We hope everyone starts to join us. Our companies that donate the goods love to see the contests and we do too.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.
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