Shot Scope Update: Course Analysis

Shot Scope is generating plenty of buzz with their first-of-its-kind product, the Pro LX+, which allows golfers to pair a laser rangefinder with the GPS and shot-tracking ability of the new H4. THP’s review of the Pro LX+ can be found here. After adding new hardware earlier this year, now is the time for Shot Scope to focus on software, and that is what is happening today with the announcement of a new Course Analysis update. 

shot scope course analysis

Shot Scope allows golfers to take an intensive data-driven understanding of their play. With the new Course Analysis mode, those data points become more tailored to one’s home course. By having stats broken down by hole, golfers can get a more vital comprehension on what is the best way for them to attack each hole. Golfers who play the same courses repeatedly will see the most significant benefit of this latest software, as the data is collected over multiple rounds. 

shot scope course analysis update

Since these new data points are based on your home course, the information becomes more pinpointed so that the next round could be your best. For example, on each hole, it will be clear which area around the green is the easiest for you to get up and down successfully. Users will also see how their club choice off the tee affects their overall score. Sure, we all love to hit a driver on a short par 4, but perhaps the available data helps paint a different picture, one that removes that temptation. All of this data and more is available in your pocket and is presented in a way that will be easy to understand with various graphs, charts, and heat maps. 

“It was our vision that golfers would be able to use these features to help them play their home course to the best of their ability and use the data provided to help with strategizing out on the course,” comments Gavin Dear, CCO of Shot Scope. “Not only is this informative to the user, but also to coaches who can get a more detailed, statistically driven, understanding of how their clients are performing out on the course. The information can be used to structure and guide lessons, as well as helping golfers plan out their course strategy before an event.”

One of the many differences between those on the PGA Tour and us weekend warriors is that they have formulated a course-specific game plan when they tee it up come tournament time. After a couple of practice rounds, they conferred with their caddie to develop the best way to get around the course. We don’t have that luxury, although, with this Course Analysis update, the ability to create such a plan is now easier than ever. 

I forgot to mention the best part of this update, the cost. It’s free. Those who have jumped to the Pro LX+ or the V3 SmartWatch will have access to the Course Analysis mode within the Shot Scope mobile app and the online dashboard. If you haven’t added one of these Shot Scope products to your repertoire, perhaps this software update is the needed catalyst to make such an acquisition. 

Do you think that the latest Course Analysis software update can help improve your play? Feel free to join the discussion with the rest of the THP Community and let us know your thoughts. 

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Dean DeCrescenzo is a THP staff writer that currently resides in upstate New York. He has been a member of The Hackers Paradise for over 7 years and been involved with a number of THP events.
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